Putting the Pieces Together

2023 Massey University

Putting the Pieces Together is a design conference created by myself in my 3rd year at Massey University. Every designer has a different creative process, some may be messy and chaotic and some may be structured and laid out. This conference brings together a range of experienced creative personnel and designers to talk about their creative process and what's worked best for them to maximise their creative potential with each process.





The second part of this project was to inform. This is where my website shared more information about the design process and what it means for creatives. It also dives more in-depth about the speakers and their creative journeys as designers and professionals. From here viewers can book tickets to the conference at Massey. 

The first step of this project was to engage. To engage my audience I decided to create a series of visually compelling posters that tell a story of the creative process and how it can be a puzzle that can be put together. The posters provide information about the conference and have a QR code that directs them straight to the website.


(The Creative Puzzle)

The Creative Puzzle (experience) was made for audience members to place their own questions about their personal creative process in the puzzle before the conference. These questions would then be answered at the design conference. This QnA allows the speakers to help guide and inform creatives on particular personal questions that the audience needs help with. 


Belong Pōneke


Launch Media